Great Gear Review: Gripedo
An Effective Training Tool for Grip Strength

As a climber and endurance athlete, I’m no stranger to grip/forearm strength development devices. Most consistently, I have followed the classic, time-honored hangboarding “repeaters” routine to maintain my baseline fitness for climbing. It’s always kept me strong enough, but never provided any breakthroughs; I needed something to break me out of my plateau. Enter the Gripedo — after two weeks of consistent use 3 days a week, I can say that hangboarding was lacking an essential ingredient — concentric motion.

When utilizing strength training with many devices the range of accessible motion is extremely polarized in one direction. The Gripedo on the other hand (pun intended) offers a cure to all the deficiencies of traditional programs. For low-impact recovery training, the Gripedo can be placed fin side down in a bucket of sand and churned like butter. This allows for a larger nutrient load to permeate into fatigued muscles on rest days, speeding up recovery time. For a more directional application, the Gripedo can be connected to an Olympic barbell and lifted as a direct grip and lateral strength exercise. I found this to be most effective in targeting my finger strength and my lats.
The Gripedo also offers an excellent replacement for a standing forearm rope workout by sliding the back of the device over the end of a weight rack or holding it freely. The only frustration I encountered with this application was that the hole drilled through one of the fins was not centered and allowed for the rope to slip off the edge of the fin constantly.

The Gripedo is a Swiss Army knife of training tools that can be utilized in a variety of workouts — only limited by your imagination and creativity. I would not use this to replace a consistent hangboard workout, but I would recommend adding it in to broaden your range of motion and increase the modalities of your training routine. For a supplementary tool to bring your climbing to the next level, the Gripedo is a great option.
About Gripedo
Gripedo is a patent-pending training device that is used by Olympians, NBA, NHL, MLB, MiLB, UFC, Crossfit Games athletes, coaches, professional teams, professional rehabilitation offices. The Gripedo was invented by a Biomedical Engineer with over 30 years of training and coaching experience. The founder after years of training and coaching, came to understand the importance of “arm and grip strength” but also “arm and grip endurance” for sports and designed a product that trains athletes grip and arm muscles to improve grip and arm strength and conditioning in order to improve athletic performance. Click here to learn more about Gripedo.
About The Author
Jonny Morsicato is a mountain endurance athlete and Machine Learning Data Scientist from Denver, Colorado. Currently, Jonny spends his time helping brands tell amazing outdoor stories, and learning how to creatively apply Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning solutions to interesting problems. Jonny says, "It is my goal to go further and learn faster while inspiring others to think critically about the world we live in."
Please note: This review is the honest opinion of the writer. Gripedo is a sponsor of Great Gear Reviews and Giveaways and has paid a sponsorship fee for program promotion and provided products for review and giveaway.
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