India’s Tiger Census sets a world record ahead of International Tiger’s Day 2020 India executes the largest camera trap survey in the world and doubles its tiger population 4 years before the global target.
Update: Following a Wave of Protests, China Postpones Lifting the Ban on the Use of Tiger and Rhino Parts The use of rhino horn and tiger bone for medicinal uses was to be permitted again, which would have had a large impact on tiger and rhino endangerment.
Dealing with Humans, for a Love of Tigers For the first woman to earn a doctorate on tigers in India, while overcoming institutionalized sexism, it was a cruel journey.
Tyger, Tiger, numbers burning bright but what is really happening in the night? Latest reports suggest a spike in the global tiger population by 22%. Top delegates from 13 Asian countries got together recently for an Asian conference on tiger conservation in India's capital and pledged to double their number in the next decade. Conservationist Julian Matthews explains the real deal