Watch Chris Burkard’s Latest: 'Under an Arctic Sky' Official Trailer

He's been at it again. To the coldest, most stunning surf backdrops possible.
Furthering his reputation for legendary photography, Chris Burkard brings us more incredible visuals in his upcoming film 'Under an Arctic Sky'. However, what he is unable to capture in his stills is the story behind the lens, the tedious search for waves; which isn't always as pretty—or warm. From what we can already see from the first official trailer, we're in store for exactly that. And we can't wait.
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Under An Arctic Sky - Official Trailer #1 from Chris Burkard on Vimeo.
"With three hours of light each day, brutal winter storms and freezing temperatures, Iceland is far from the ideal surf trip. However, this didn’t stop photographer Chris Burkard and filmmaker Ben Weiland from rounding up a crew of surfers to seek out unknown waves in the islands remote north… all during the worst storm to hit Iceland’s shores in 25 years."
For more info visit:
Feature image: screen shot taken from the above trailer.
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